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Laia is a Scholar living with her grandparents
and brother under the brutal rule of the
Martial Empire. She and her family eke out
an existence in the Empire’s impoverished
backstreets, trying their best not to draw
attention to themselves. But one night,
Empire soldiers raid Laia’s home—and life
as she knows it changes forever.


Elias is the finest soldier at Blackcliff Military
Academy—but secretly, its most unwilling.
The scion of one of the Empire’s finest
families, Elias wants only to be free
from the tyranny he’s being
trained to enforce.


Helene is the only female student at Blackcliff
Academy, and Elias’s closest friend. She is a
true Martial, more loyal to the Empire than
to her own mother, and she takes Blackcliff’s
motto to heart: Duty first, unto death.


The Commandant runs Blackcliff Academy
with an iron fist, and takes great satisfaction
in mercilessly punishing students for breaking
any of the school’s numerous rules. She is one
of the most powerful people in the Empire and
is the only living female Mask – or will be,
until Helene graduates. The Commandant has
spies everywhere, and expresses a particular
loathing for Elias, whom she terrorizes and
thwarts at every opportunity.

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How far would you go for power / Commandant image
How far would you go for love / Helene image
How far would you go for freedom / Elias image
How far would you go for family / Laia image
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